Saturday, June 6, 2015

Welcome to the theatre!! Video #1 - Kenji

Hello and welcome to the Reptile House Records Movie Theatre!! I've set up this blog site to share our various videos (and there are quite a few by now), and to also add some notes about the video, music production and songwriting involved. I'm Todd Perkins, also sometimes known as Beowulf Kingsley, and I live out in the swamps of Michigan. I've been a musician for a loooong time, and writing and recording have always been one of my great passions. I hope you enjoy these!! And please feel free to comment or contact, unless you really hate something, in which case, go make your own dang videos. 

I'll start at random with a video from 2011, from my album Arphus Schmarphus Horkus Porkus. This one's called "Kenji" and is about a young Sumo wrestler who finds his destiny in a very different world than he expected to.

Notes on production: This song took forever to record and mix. I was really just learning how, and getting all the guitars to sit together well on the track was a real challenge at the time!! But I think it worked out. I had some celebrity help on this one...Drums are by Mick Fleetwood, and the Harmonica is by Peter "Madcat" Ruth. Mick was assembled from his component parts, though...I had a collection of loops of his drumming that he graciously made available, and I put together his drum part with the help of the Acid Pro program. This also took forever. Madcat, on the other hand, was kind enough to come to my home studio and contribute his part live. Amazing musician that he is, he did the fantastic harp solo in one take. You may notice that his instrument is highly colored with effects...those were selected by him, and were part of his rig. He rarely uses these but decided that this tune justified them, and I would certainly agree his part is perfect for the song!! 

One last note on this tune...the lyrics are about finding what you love and pursuing it, even if the world seems to have other expectations. I had finished the album, and my wife had met a friend in one of her groups that was going through much the same kind of things. Strangely enough, he too was Japanese, and also named Kenji (although he was NOT a Sumo wrestler!). She asked if I might give him an album, thinking that the song and its message might be helpful to him at that point. Apparently it really was, and he sent me a message thanking me for encouraging him in a very difficult time in his life. I've always felt that if I could just help even one person with my music, that all the struggles would be worth it, and it made me feel great that I could make his life a little better. Thanks Kenji!!! 


Kenji the mighty Sumo
Was a mountain of a man
Many men that came to fight him
Took one look at him and ran
He was strong and he was skillful
Beating all his foes with ease
Like a Nippon high-powered wrecking ball
Knocking big towers to their knees

Kenji the mighty Sumo
Was the king of the Budokan
The results of long-term planning
From ambitious Dad and Mom
He had wealth and power in his hands
And all that that can mean
But Kenji the mighty Sumo
Had a different kind of dream

Kenji the mighty Sumo
Had a different kind of dream
That he got from an old jazz record
From a place called New Orleans
And he’d put on that old record
With a wistful kind of sigh
And sometimes alone in the dead of night
You could hear poor Kenji cry

Well, he finally couldn’t stand it
Took a boat out late at night
Rode a train across the USA
To the Crescent City’s lights
Now he plays his harp down at the bar
And he’s happy as a clam
And the people come from near and far
Just to hear Big Kenji’s band 

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